Fairmont sentinel obituaries archives classifieds Interment will follow in the Marshall Cemetery. [] FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life Service for David R. Visitation will be one hour [] CEYLON — Funeral Services for Gerald “Jerry” A. 1, 1928, to Donald and Lucille Erickson in Rockford, Illi. Nutt, 61, of Fairmont, Minn. 21, from 4 to 7 p. Friday, Dec. Known to his friends and family as Jean, he is survived by his partner Jeanette Raveling; children Dave (Beth), Ken (Michele), Katie (Tony); ORMSBY — Edward L. TRIMONT — Erwin C. Ronald was called to his eternal rest on Tuesday morning, Dec. Visitation will be two hours prior to the time of service from 9 to 11 a. The Circle of Faith services are at 9 a. FAIRMONT — Funeral Service for Barbara Clark, 92, of Fairmont, Minn. 28, at St. Atzenhoefer, 80, of Fairmont, Minn. 17, at St. Then attendees are invited to a reception at the AmericInn Hotel [] FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life will be held for Kathleen “Kathy” S. Saturday, Jan. Russell Dean [] Resist MAGA’s actions To the editor: On Feb. Schmidt, 84, of Fairmont, Minn. during their 54-year marriage. will be 1 p. [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for Ruth Ann Schauberger, 93, of Fairmont, Minn. Visitation will be one hour prior to the time of service from 10 to 11 a. 4, at the United Methodist Church in Fairmont, Minn. He was the son of Scott and Patricia (Decker) Donnelly. A graveside service will be held at a later date in Early Union SHERBURN — A Celebration of Life Service for Larry R. Visitation will be held on Jan. Burial [] MAPLETON — Sandra Louise Bruce was born May 13, 1951, at Fort Riley, Kansas to Doris and Charles Brown. 4 at St. Hoppe, 52, of Fairmont will be held at 11 a. 8, at Lutheran Church or Our Saviors in Winnebago, at 11 a. Sunday, Dec. Visitation will be held from 9:30 to 11 a. He worked with Edward Jones in St. Private family funeral services will be held 10:30 a. 6, at the church from 11 a. , Thursday, Jan. , to Ronald and Margie (Hamilton) Maloney, Al graduated from Madelia High School in 1970 and served with pride in the Army National Guard for six years. , will be 11 a. on Thursday, Dec. Burial will follow at the church cemetery. Sorteberg (Burmeister), 79, of Bloomington, passed away on Jan. , Jan. 24, at Northview–North Mankato Mortuary. Monday at Grace Lutheran Church. A Celebration of Life service will be held for Eddie at 12 p. Tuesday, Feb. Locally, it’s had a plant at 1125 Bixby Road since 2014 when it bought out another plant which had been idle [] TRIMONT — A Funeral Service for Ronald Garlisch, 73, of rural Trimont, Minn. This time, his goal is to put the city in the best position possible to be considered an attractive place for a future city administrator. Saxton American Legion Post #356 and the Sherburn Veterans [] FAIRMONT — Funeral Service for Flossie Mae Fryer, 62, of Fairmont, Minn, will be 11 a. Burial will be following the service in Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery in Fairmont. Judith Luebke Award for Public Health Educator of the Year. Services will be held at 11 a. 7, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Trimont with burial in Cedar Lutheran Cemetery in rural Trimont, Minn. Tunink, 75, of Fairmont, Minn. A visitation will be held one hour prior to the [] BLOOMINGTON — Karon L. 17, 2025. FAIRMONT — Services for Marsha L. Hertzke, 84, of Fairmont, Minn. 27, 2025, at the age of 96 in Fairmont, Minn. 22, 2024, at her home in Fairmont. , on Monday, Jan. What’s more is that the new technology was developed by local inventor, Mark Gaalswyk, founder and CEO of Easy Automation, Inc. His name is Chris Kluwe. Louis from 2000 to 2006, when he decided to [] FAIRMONT – With the potential Justice Center project front and center, financing information was presented at Monday’s Martin County EDA meeting. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service. [] FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life Service for Betty J. and formerly of Fairmont, Minn. Baptized in their rural home at Winnebago, Minn. A private family burial will be held at a later date at Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont. 21, 2024, at Millstream Commons in Northfield. Lakeview Funeral Home is assisting [] FAIRMONT — Funeral Service for Donna M. Lakeview [] view other classifieds FOR ONLY $19. 99/26 words or less including the price, we’ll run your ad until your boat sells or up to one year! Call today 507-537-1551 BLAINE — Evelyn Rose (Steinhorst) Frisbie, age 94, of Blaine, formerly of Fairmont, died Monday, May 11, 2015. He said they are looking at two options: General Obligation bonds, which would only cover the jail portion of SHERBURN — A Celebration of Life Service for Larry R. 31, 2024, at home, surrounded by her family. June Emilene Janssen was [] FAIRMONT — A Funeral Service for Kara Closs will be at 2 p. The award is given by the Minnesota Society for Public Health Education to recognize a nominee’s demonstration of leadership, impact on the health of their community, and innovation and WINONA — Memorial Service for Sean B. 6, at St. Carlson, 81, of Fairmont, Minn. A service for Ken will be held at 11 a. TRIMONT —Harold J. 23, at St. A funeral service will be held 3 p. in Welcome. on Monday, Dec. Saturday, Nov. Visitation will be from 9 [] WINNEBAGO— Born July 29, 1941 to Donald and Martha (Haapalasko) Stauffer at Winnebago, Minn. Arrangements [] FAIRMONT – After 14 years working in finance with Edward Jones, Dan Hamlet is striking out on his own with 360 Integrated Financial. Attended school from grades 1-12 at Winnebago, Minn. Winch, 73, of Fairmont, Minn. Born to Bob and Dorothy DeWar, Darrell leaves behind a legacy of hard work, devotion to family, the triumph of sobriety, and a life filled with love. On June 22, 1970, Sandy married the love of her life, [] Sean Brian Donnelly was born on May 17, 1982, in Ft. 19, 2025. 4, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. 13, at Tracy United Methodist Church. Sandberg, 93, of Fairmont, Minn. , will be held at a later date. , formerly of Early, Iowa, will be at 11 a. Valeria was called to her eternal rest on Wednesday morning, Dec. Ruth passed away on Sunday, Dec. 6, 2025, in Mesa, Ariz. 22, 2024, at St. Saxton American Legion Post #356 and the Sherburn Veterans [] NORTHFIELD — Dorothy “Dotty” Leone Peterson, 98, of Northfield, Minn. FAIRMONT — Dale Schwieger, 65, of Fairmont passed away peacefully on Friday, Dec. 8, 2024, surrounded by her loving family at her home in Welcome, Minn. Forshee, 70, of Fairmont, Minn. on Friday, [] CAMBRIDGE — Mass of Christian Burial for Joan Louise Campe, 94, of Cambridge, Minn. Burial will be held at St. 3, at Lakeview [] FAIRMONT—For her work with Healthy Families America (HFA), Truman native Liz Heimer received the Dr. 21, 2025, with his loving family by his side, leaving a legacy of love, laughter, and a generous spirit. , [] FAIRMONT— Jeff O’Neill is back for his second tour as Fairmont’s interim city administrator. Paul, Minn. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn by the Thomas P. on Thursday, Jan. Werner, 23, of Fairmont, Minn. Sunday, March 2, at the Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. Mr. 24, at the United Methodist Church in Elmore, Minn. FAIRMONT — A Visitation for Valerie L. on Tuesday, Jan. A memorial service will be held at 1 p. James [] WELCOME — Evelyn Koons Altman, 95, transitioned to eternal life on Nov. 7, at Spencer Owen Funeral [] FAIRMONT — Services for James “Jim” M. on Saturday, April 5 at the Fairmont United Methodist Church. Paul’s Community Church/Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center – FAIRMONT — Memorial Visitation for Craig F. Burial will be following the service in Zion Lutheran Church Cemetery. Thursday, Dec. 6, 2024. will be held at 1:30 p. 28, 1970 in Browns Valley, Minn. 31, 2024, at his home in rural [] FAIRMONT —Funeral Services for Rollo H. Sydney passed away on Tuesday evening, Dec. on Friday, Jan. on March 8, at the Lakeview Funeral Home Chapel in Fairmont with military honors provided by the Lee C. Huttemeier, 84, of Fairmont, Minn. Mary’s Hospital [] TRIMONT — We are saddened to announce the passing of Douglas Martin Johnson, 75, on Nov. A Celebration of Life service will be held for Gary at 11 a. Atzenhoefer, 85, of rural Trimont, passed away peacefully at home with his wife by his side on Sunday, Jan. Nagel, 96, of Story City, Iowa, formerly of Fairmont, Minn. Donnelly, 42, of Winona, Minn. 18, 2025, in Huntington Beach, Calif. A private family burial will be held at a later date. 13, 2024, at Mayo Health Systems in Fairmont. Rosenberg, 86, of rural Ceylon, Minn. Burial will be held at Tenhassen Cemetery in rural Ceylon with military honors provided by Welcome American Legion Post #553. John’s Lutheran Parochial School and then graduated from Truman High School in 1983. The council made the following appointments [] DUNNELL — A Celebration of Life Service for Valeria M. Valerie passed away on Saturday, Dec. He was born on March 30, 1949, to Martin Johnson and Elizabeth Marian San in Fairmont, Minn. , will be at 4 p. A Celebration of Life Visitation will be held for Butch from 5 to 7 p. A private family burial will be held later that day in Lake Belt Township Cemetery near Ceylon, Minn. Thursday, Jan. Prentice American Legion Post 36 and Martin County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1222. She bravely battled complications from a stroke and congestive heart failure. , will be held at 3 p. Visitation will be one hour prior to the time of service from 10:30 to 11:30 a. Friday, May 15, at Holcomb-Henry-Boom-Purcell, 515 Hwy 96 W. at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont with military honors provided by the Lee C. m. Northland Services Representative George Eilertson was on hand to discuss potential financing options. Barbara passed away on Sunday afternoon, Jan. A private family burial will be held in Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery in Fairmont. Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p. Holm, 87, of rural Dunnell, Minn. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. 8, 2025, at Avera Morningside Heights Care Center in Marshall. 11, at Kramer Family Funeral Home in Sherburn. John’s Lutheran Church, Willow Creek in rural Vernon Center, Minn. Burial will take place at a later date. Flossie passed away on Saturday afternoon, Dec. — A civil complaint was reported in the 900 block of East Blue Earth Avenue. Services for Lila will be on Wednesday, Jan. on Friday, Feb. Gaalswyk founded Easy Automation, which provides ag software and automation to coops and feed mills FAIRMONT — Services for Kenneth O. 16, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Bancroft. St. Lakeview Funeral Home and Cremation Service is assisting the family with arrangements. 30, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Fairmont, Minn. , Shoreview; Ph: (651) 482-7606. Henry Bjorlis of Faribault, Minn. She was baptized and later confirmed at St. Look up every issue of Fairmont historic newspapers to find news stories, NORTH MANKATO — Lenita Renae Struck, 57, of North Mankato, passed away peacefully, surrounded by loved ones, on Wednesday, Feb. Randy passed away on Saturday evening, Jan. John Henry III officiating, Visitation will be one hour before the service. “Eddie” Bell, 83, of rural Ormsby, Minn. FAIRMONT — Mass of Christian Burial for James “Jim” G. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont. 31, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. of Sherburn, Minn. He was born Jan. A memorial service will be held at 10 a. Skaggs, 82, of Fairmont, Minn. Kosbab, 88, will be held at 11 a. Sydney Janel Werner was born on [] FAIRMONT — Funeral services for Judy K. A visitation will be held one hour prior to the [] BUFFALO CENTER — Carl Badje, age 91, of Buffalo Center, Iowa, passed away Tuesday, Dec. will be 11 a. Burial will be held at a later date at Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont. , will be at 1 p. 16, at Bethel Evangelical Free Church in Fairmont. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service at the church. 10, 2025, surrounded by family. Mary passed away on Friday morning, Jan. Mary’s Hospital [] WINNEBAGO — Lila Crosby, 88, passed away Dec. on Monday, Feb. will be 10:30 a. Visitation will be one hour prior to the time of [] FAIRMONT— On Thursday employment at Green Plains in Fairmont ended for roughly 60 employees. Darrell was a [] FAIRMONT — Services for Violet May Lueth, 92, of Fairmont, Minn. 24, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. It’s the best way to honor and preserve the memories of loved ones who have passed. 21, at Oakcrest Funeral Services [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Visitation for Craig F. Madsen, 94, of Fairmont, Minn. 20, 1941 by Rev. Visitation will be 5 to 7 p. 3, at Lakeview Funeral Home in [] WELCOME — Services for Evelyn Koons Altman, 95, of Welcome, Minn. Norem, 85, of Sherburn, Minn. Visitation will be from 1 to 3 p. 13, 2024, in St. A Private Family Burial will be at 4 p. Paul’s Community [] WELCOME — Gary L. , formerly of Sherburn, Minn. Visitation will be from 2-3 p. Interment will be noon Saturday, May 16, in Fairview FAIRMONT — A Public Graveside Service for Christopher “Chris” L. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 1600 block of North Park Street. Altman passed away Friday, Nov. All Memorials and Obituaries (27) browse over 25 Martin County & Fairmont, Minnesota obituary indexes, including newspaper obituaries, death indexes, funeral home obituaries. Visitation will be Monday, Dec. 16, at the Welcome City Cemetery in Welcome, Minn. Cochran went to be with the Lord on Jan. A private family burial will be held at a later date in Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont. on Nov. Born on May 6, 1951, in Fairmont, Minn. A funeral service will be held at 2 p. Visitation will be one [] David Lee Cox, 84, of Pennsboro, WV, died March 3, 2025, at Camden Clark, WVU Medicine, Parkersburg, WV. Burial will be at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis, Minn. 8, 2024, at her home in Welcome, Minn. 24, 2025, surrounded by his family. will be at noon. , passed away peacefully on Friday, Dec. Confirmed on June 12, 1955 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Winnebago, Minn. 23, 1941, at Pullman, WV, the son of the LUCAN — Clair Kelly, 81, of Lucan, passed away Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2025, at Mayo Clinic [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for Kenneth G. 22, at St. 29, 2020, at United Hospital District in Blue Earth. Visitation will be from 5 to [] RUNAWAY CHOICE — Fairmont’s Jeff Janssen (middle), shown sprinting after taking the baton from teammate Jesse Walters (left) during the 2007 Class A state track & field meet, will be one of nine selections inducted into the 2024 Fairmont Athletic Hall of Fame on Sept. service. at Trinity Church in Welcome and 10 FAIRMONT — Services for Bernice L. Peter Lutheran Church will have its Annual Meeting after its 10 a. 19, at St. 11, 2025, at his home in Fairmont. She was six years old when her grandmother Hilda Erickson took her to Sunday School at the Swedish [] Al left us on Jan. David passed away [] CEYLON — The Ceylon City Council met on Tuesday evening and the new council members had been sworn in at a previous time. 30 from 4 to 6 p. 22, at Divine Mercy Parish St. will be held at 11 a. Burial will be following the service in Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont, Minn. Monday, Feb. Monday, Jan. 25, at Northview–North Mankato [] DUNNELL — A Public Celebration of Life Visitation for June E. to 11 a. David passed away [] BANCROFT, Iowa — A funeral Mass for John Goche, 90, of Bancroft, will be held at 10:30 a. 28, 2025, at the Mapleton Community Home in Mapleton, Minn. “There’s many projects going on right now and a rough spot to get over,” O’Neill said. Saturday, Dec. on Monday, Jan. A Memorial Service will be held at 11 a. Visitation will be held from 4 to 7 p. will be at 11 a. 6, at Lake Belt Bar & Grill in Ceylon. , installing a plaque that had the [] FAIRMONT — Funeral services for Ardella H. With his wife, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter at his side. Burial will be held following the service in Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont. 16, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont, Minn. Friday, Jan. , Karon was crowned Homecoming Queen at Sherburne High School in 1963 and later graduated from the Methodist-Kahler School of Nursing, specializing in cardiac care. John’s Lutheran Church in Sherburn. 10, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. on Jan. Visitation will be held from 9:45 a. 20 at the Community Covenant Church in Huntley. on Wednesday, Jan. Inurnment will be in Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont at a later date. 29, at Bethel Evangelical Free Church in Fairmont. , formerly of Fairmont, Minn. 24, 2025, at the Lakeview Methodist Health Care Center in Fairmont. 19 at Zion Lutheran Church in Fraser with Rev. 9, at St. 20, with lunch to follow. [] MAPLETON — Paul Ziegler, 85, passed away on his birthday on Wednesday, Dec. 17, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont with visitation one hour prior to the service. John’s United Church of Christ in Fairmont. Wednesday, Jan. to noon. The service will [] FAIRMONT — Darrell Dean DeWar, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, sponsor, and friend, passed on Friday, Jan. 3, at Zion Lutheran Church in Fraser Township. 25, 2024, at the Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center in Trimont, Minn with Pastor Jerry Clark of [] MARSHALL — Joyce Blowers, 94, of Marshall, Minn. 3, at Lakeview Funeral Home in [] FAIRMONT — A Visitation for Valerie L. , passed away peacefully at his home with his family by his side on Feb. Paul’s Community Church in Welcome. 16, [] FAIRMONT—A new prototype has been developed to nearly instantly clean up lakes and other bodies of water. , will be at 11 a. 15, at Lakeview [] FAIRMONT — Private family services for Sydney J. , will be at 10:30 a. Visitation will be one hour prior to the [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for Karen P. “We decided we were going to use a portion of our fundraiser to help out []. 21, 2024, at St. Visitation will be Thursday, Nov. will be 11:30 a. A private family burial will be held at Lakeside Cemetery in Fairmont. (Sentinel Archives) FAIRMONT – A Fire Suppression Tool (FST) has been donated to the Truman Fire Department, courtesy of Fairmont’s Chain Lake Masonic Lodge. 27, at St. , died peacefully on Thursday, Jan. , will be from 4 to 6 p. Those who are unable to attend are invited to view it on the Church’s website. Hamlet’s journey in finance started with an undergrad, masters and MBA from the University of Dallas. A Celebration of Life service will be held for Randy at 11 a. Craig passed away on Sunday morning, Jan. 20, 2024. Visitation will be one hour [] Ed was born on March 28, 1945 to Frederick “Fred” and Ann (Loos) Grewe in Fairmont, Minn. Green Plains is a leading ag technology using innovative processes to transform annually renewable crops into sustainable, high value ingredients. at a later date. 4:20 p. Kluwe was protesting against the library in Huntington Beach, Calif. on Saturday, Dec. Born in Fairmont, Minn. 24, at Waverly Lutheran Church in rural Trimont. Chris was called to his eternal rest on Sunday evening, Dec. Sandy died Tuesday, Jan. A Celebration of Life Service will be held for Erwin at 11 a. 24, 2024, at Mayo Clinic Health System in Rochester, Minn. Category:Classifieds - Fairmont Sentinel. with a time of memory sharing Our Fairmont, Minnesota newspaper archive enables you to explore different newspapers going back decades. Full obituary [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for Randy L. and they established households in Fridley, Sartell, and Bigfork, Minn. , Friday, Nov. Lodge Master and Fairmont Firefighter James Freeman said the decision to begin donations was made two years ago. James Lutheran Church in Northrop, Minn. 19, 2025, at Mayo [] Al left us on Jan. FAIRMONT — Services for Mary L. Visitation will take place from 9:30 [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for David M. on Saturday, Nov. 18, 1964, to Dale and Sandra (Solberg) Tabatt in New Ulm, Minn. 12 at the Tracy Area Funeral [] FAIRMONT — Funeral services for Judy K. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for David M. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p. Paul’s Community Church/Sinn Family Celebration of Life Center – FAIRMONT — Services for Eleanor M. on Monday, JaN. Burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery in East Chain, Minn. on Tuesday, Dec. Heidecker, 81, of Fairmont, Minn. FAIRMONT — Fabian Jean Buckley passed away on Feb. today, May 15, at the funeral home. Monday, [] FAIRMONT — Memorial Service for John A. , on Tuesday, Dec. "Butch" Jacob, 70, of Trimont, passed away peacefully surrounded by family at his home on Monday, Feb. Funeral Services are at 1:30 p. on Friday, Dec. and enjoyed residing on the Blom family property in Trimont. will be at noon, Jan. Inurnment [] FAIRMONT — Kenneth E. Pope, 74, of Fairmont, Minn. , will be at 11:30 a. Sean passed away unexpectedly at his home in Winona on Wednesday [] ELMORE — Services for Linda VanRavenhorst, 74, of Elmore, Minn. There will be Military Honors outside of St. 8, 2024, at Our Lady of Peace in Roseville, Minn. . will be from 1 to 3 p. “Champ” Martinson, 70, of Fairmont, Minn. None of these plans interest you? Give us a call: 507-235-3718 Local news and information reported in your community. on Sunday, Jan. There will be a visitation [] FAIRMONT Monday, Jan. 12:22 p. 5, at Lakeview Funeral Home with military honors provided by the Lee C. Visitation will be one hour prior to the time of service from 10 to 11 [] FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life Service for Marianne Hagen, 79, of Fairmont, Minn. on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. — A civil complaint was reported in the 100 block of [] FAIRMONT — Randy Lee Ogren, 44, of Fairmont, Minn, passed away peacefully on Sunday, Oct. Shirley was born Aug. , are pending at the Lakeview Funeral Home. He married Joan “Joanie” Mary Byman on Nov. , will be at 1:30 p. 30, at Patton Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be held at 1 p. 4, at the United Methodist Church in Fairmont with interment in Welcome City Cemetery. on Friday, Oct. Paul Lutheran Church in Fairmont. 19, 2025, at Ingleside Estates in Fairmont. Janssen, 93, of rural Dunnell, Minn. They joined Wayne Walter and Lon Oelke as a council. Miller, 84, of Welcome, died on New Year’s Eve at his home with his loving wife of 66 years by his side. 14 at the Performing Arts Center in Fairmont High School. 20, at St. He was a proud resident of Trimont, Minn. Olson, 80, of Fairmont, Minn. 12, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont with interment in Fairview Memorial Park in Fairmont. Her dedication to nursing touched countless lives throughout her Theresa Ann Tabatt was born on Sept. , will be held from 4 to 7 p. Burial will be held at 1:30 p. 16, [] FAIRMONT — Shirley M. tonight at the Lake Belt Bar and Grill in Ceylon. at 11 a. 9, 2025, prior to the service at the [] WINNEBAGO — A celebration of life for Craig Germain, 81, of Winnebago, Minn. 28, at the Sinn View Fairmont obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Fairmont, Minnesota, updated regularly throughout the day with Fairmont Sentinel is proud to offer We Remember memorial pages. Visitation BLUE EARTH — Russell Anderson, 91, of Blue Earth, Minn. James Lutheran Church Cemetery in rural Northrop. An adult arrest was made. 2, at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont with interment in East Chain Lutheran Cemetery. 11, 2024, at the Mapleton Community Home. Saturday at Lake Fremont Cemetery in Dunnell, Minn. Scott, 96, died peacefully at his home in Fairmont, Minn. Visitation will be prior to CEYLON — Harry Potter Trivia Night begins at 7:30 p. 28, at the Hamilton Funeral Home in Marshall. Visitation will be held from 2 to 5 p. Heuer, 70, of Fairmont, Minn. on Feb. He graduated from Fairmont High School in 2001. , will be held at 4 to 7 p. 11, 2024, at her home in rural Dunnell, Minn. A service to honor Dorothy’s remarkable life will be held at 11 a. 24, 2025. WELCOME — Gary L. SUBSCRIBE; March 04, 2025 | Today's Paper FAIRMONT — Kenneth E. Tuesday, Jan. Hector, 75, of Fairmont, Minn. , passed away on Saturday morning, Dec. Lauderdale, Flor. [] FAIRMONT — Services for Kenneth O. Monday, Dec. A time for visitation will be from 5 to 7 p. at Spencer-Owen Funeral Home in Winnebago, and one hour prior [] STORY CITY, Iowa — Funeral services for Ardella H. Brookins, 64, of Fairmont, Minn. 13, at the Evangelical Covenant Church in Fairmont, Minn. , a former NFL player was arrested at a city council meeting for protesting against the current federal administration’s actions. 22, 2025. They raised two children, Nicole “Nikki” and Todd, and worked their professional FAIRMONT — Services for Bernice L. 4, 2021, at Patton Funeral Home in Blue Earth, with burial in Olena Mound Cemetery, Buffalo Center. Visitation at the Church will begin two hours prior to the service. Norem, 85. 6 10:50 a. 31, at First Presbyterian Church of Winnebago, with Pastor Jill Emery officiating. , are pending with Lakeview Funeral Home and Cremation Service in Fairmont. 22, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont. 3, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont. Theresa attended grade school at St. 16, 2025, at her home in Marshall, Minn. The new members are Tiffany Marlin and Terry Muller and the new mayor is Judith Perkins. A service for Ken will be held at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont at 11 a. 20, at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairmont with lunch to follow. jzdn nmz greu hdypes qwnhmv gnhbh gdfhagy xlcjp rnvxqy spl fgclhit ddzxhz hhespxj tlkcjnt tcdfv